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Please Help Chicago!
Beautiful Chicago was rescued by DREAM Animal Rescue from the East Valley Shelter in Los Angeles. She had been dumped

Help Puma and Dusk!
NEW FUNDRAISER! Puma and Dusk came to DREAM with some pretty serious medical and dental issues. Both kitties have horrible

How to Introduce a New Cat
Link to original article on Petfinder.com Like us, cats have their own unique personalities, and they’re often particular about their

Shop Pet Supplies Directly from DREAM!
Shop Pet Supplies Directly from DREAM! by Michael Johnston June 26th. 2020 Do you need pet supplies but don't want

Stay Safe!
Stay Safe! So, my day job is working as a store manager at a local drug store. There are many

Kids and Cats
Kids and Cats by Nathalie Mireles Sept. 20, 2019 One of the big reasons many of us get a new

Introducing Your New Cat to the Family
Introducing Your New Cat to the Family by Nathalie Mireles Sept. 6, 2019 Congratulations! You just adopted a new family

Bringing your new pet home
Bringing Your New Pet Home by Nathalie Mireles August 4th, 2019 Bringing your new pet home can be scary. How

Litter Box 101!
Litter Box 101! By Nathalie Mireles July 25, 2019 Unraveling the mysteries of ... the litter box. Whether the litter

Top 10 Home Prepping Tips for Cats
Top 10 Home Prepping Tips for Cats Written by Nathalie Mireles July 5th, 2019 Welcome to the first in a

How Not to Foster Fail
We all struggle with dreaded term, Foster Fail. I thought we could spend some time covering this subject so I

Get Involved!
Well, it’s school-shopping season and we wanted to remind you about Amazon Smile! It’s so easy and doesn’t cost you

How to Take Great Foster Photos
[cmsms_row data_padding_bottom="50" data_padding_top="50" data_color="first" data_width="boxed"][cmsms_column data_width="1/1"][cmsms_text] PHOTOS BEST PRACTICES: FILE NAME: To help keep our records organized, please name your image

Health Benefits of Owning a Cat
It is common knowledge that owning a pet can make you happier and less stressed. But why, and what about

3 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Dog or Cat
Adopting an animal can be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. In exchange for providing food, love,

5 Reasons You Should Adopt a Pet
Bringing a new pet home is a big decision. Depending on size and breed, you are making a commitment that